Pakistan's updated
Nationally Determined
Contributions (NDC)
seeks a cumulative cut of 50% of its projected emissions by 2030.To achieve this, Pakistan aims to shift to 60% renewable energy and 30% electric vehicles by 2030 and to ban coal imports as well as expand nature-based solutions.
seeks a cumulative cut of 50% of its projected emissions by 2030.To achieve this, Pakistan aims to shift to 60% renewable energy and 30% electric vehicles by 2030 and to ban coal imports as well as expand nature-based solutions.
In addition to the targets set by the government, the youth of Pakistan has been taking center stage in climate action recently, as the country has seen climate strikes joined by thousands of students and civil society since 2019.
The Ministry of Climate Change has registered 120,000 youth volunteers to implement the ‘Clean & Green Pakistan’ Movement in an effort to actively engage youth on a massive scale for enhancing climate action.
To further expand on the role of youth in climate activism and policymaking, UNDP is trialing a novel way of engaging diverse groups of young people across Pakistan via this ‘Youth Conversations’ platform. Youth Conversations will allow us to run large-scale (potentially in millions), online conversations to crowdsource ideas about the climate challenge facing Pakistan.
We’ll bring together a range of different methods to support everyone who wants to be involved. Where the problem is rooted in differences of opinion, we’ll be using deliberative techniques to build on the things that youth agree on. Where key voices have been excluded, we’ll make sure everyone is equally involved in finding answers!